The first Cemetery I ever visited and was the Historic Key West City Cemetery. I was 5, I had a fixation on it and begged my mom to take me. A pull in my stomach to the gates. In the moment we entered, it felt like I was in a ancient garden full of Spirits. Little did I know this would be a catalyst to me beginning witchcraft. This also became one of our regular stops when we tale that route.
Growing up Cuban-American in Florida, going to the Keys was a holy tradition, a pilgrimage. This chain of islands is home to many Cuban Exiles, as well as to many other communities including one of the most vibrant queer and drag scenes in Florida.* We always go to the marker that says 90 miles to Cuba, and just look out into the Ocean. Sometimes we pray, or listen to stories told by our grandparents about life on La Isla, lamenting a Land some of us never touched and the rest have trouble remembering.
This is almost always followed by Cuban Food. Our tradition is to walk to El Meson de Pepe, a beautiful restaurant near the sea with art depicting Cuban and Cuban-American culture all over the walls. In one part of this restaurant, they have a small case that exhibits some Cuban history. Its full of historic documents and the such. My Abuelo always walks us through the exhibits to teach us our Ancestors’ history. This is where I learned who El Apostol, José Martí was, and Cuba’s long history of unrest and revolution. Martí inspired revolution against the fascist Spanish monarchy through his writings. I will go more in depth on Florida/Cuban Folk Saints soon.
Jose Marti, The Apostle
Florida is a much different place from when I was growing up here. It seems we are progressing in the wrong direction more often than not. The Land and People are suffering. But Paradise is NOT Lost. Florida has always been full of people who’s history the current governor and his cohorts want erased, and we have always fought. We can’t give in to the voices saying to give up and flee. A freer Florida is just around the corner.