Rainbow Springs’ first human visitors probably came upon her waters well over 10,000 years ago in the form of paleo-indigenous groups. Moving further along, the Timucua and their neighbors used this spring, like many others for fishing, travel and funerary rites. After colonization, the area surrounding the spring was used for phosphate mining into the 1930s. This is where much of the waterfalls on the property came from, made with byproduct of the mines. From here, it became a privately owned tourist attraction offering many of the same draws as Silver Springs, like glass bottom boats, submarines and of course a dip in the ‘Healing Waters’. In 1990, the State acquired it, creating the park we have today. Its a first magnitude spring, and the fourth largest in the state. Like many springs, it was formed from a sinkhole around 14,000 years ago and freshwater bubbles up from it continuously.

Agua Dulce
Springs have always had a connection to the Indigenous peoples of the area. In the Caribbean, we find amongst the syncretic systems the concept of a group of spirits known by some as the Division of Agua Dulce, which literally translates to Sweet Water. This group of spirits is comprised of Indigenous ancestors who were from the Caribbean or transported there during colonial times. Some of the spirits are fallen heroes, past Caciques, or the Cemí and other Land spirits these ancestors have relationships with. Some of the Spirits in this division I venerate and work with are Atabey, the Supreme Creatrix and Water Mother, and Anacaona, a female Cacique from Ayiti (Haiti) who led a Taino Rebellion in the 16th Century. Within the practices of this division, we see that Springs are held as places of high spiritual importance, and are a direct connection to our ancestors, as their spirit is literally embedded in the Sweet Waters rising from the Spring. The word ‘canoe’ actually comes from the Taíno (kanoa). In espiritismo, one metaphor for the Bóveda I have heard is that it is your own personal Spring of spiritual energy and wisdom, deepening the importance of springs in my practice.

Springs in Praxis
When I visit any park, I always leave an offering by a tree upon entering. I believe in the notion of paying one to pay them all. This is usually tobacco and some coins, accompanied by a prayer. However, when I go to a River or Spring, I find it imperative to also make an offering to the Water itself. This allows me safe entry, and occasionally even some guidance and protection. Like many water spirits, shiny coins and singing make nice offerings to the Springs. Its always good practice to clean up trash and be respectful to the workers and environment. You should always ask permission and make an offering if you plan on collecting anything, as otherwise it may not lend you the virtues you are seeking. When I visit a Spring, I always fully submerge myself - baptism style - to cleanse and receive the healing and blessings of the spring. I also will collect some of the water if I need to use as an offering to certain spirits, as well as for spellwork. I empower the water to either call on the spring itself or for virtues of healing, renewal and growth. I have also heard of friends using the water for prophetic dreams and divination work, citing the connection to spiritual development in espiritismo.

Springs for Tomorrow
Many springs today are suffering various ecological problems, most of which are directly caused by humans. The best spiritual practice is to learn how to act in these sensitive environments, to prevent further degradation. I recommend the instagram @FloridaSpringsCouncil to learn more about the importance of our Springs and the issues plaguing them.